Supporting the JBBBS Camp Scholarship Fund

Camp is magical. It a safe space for children and teens to try new things, foster existing passions and make new friends. It’s an opportunity to just be a kid after a busy and stressful school year and spend time outdoors. For some, it’s also a special way to nurture and connect with Jewish traditions and values.
Last year, JBBBS send 60 Littles to summer camp with camp scholarships totaling at $72,450. Due to the rising cost of both day and overnight camp, the demand for these critical scholarships has increased substantially.
To help us support every child who wants to go to camp this summer, please consider making a gift to JBBBS' Camp Scholarship.

An Interview with Dan Klein

Dan Klein Headshot

Dan Klein not only serves on the JBBBS Board of Directors, but he is also the Chair of the JBBBS Camp Scholarship Committee. We connected with Dan to interview him about the importance of JBBBS Scholarships. Included is an excerpt of our conversation:


Why do you choose to volunteer your time as the Chair of the JBBBS Camp Scholarship Committee?

I volunteer because the camp scholarships program represents a beautiful and tangible example of how JBBBS can directly help its Littles and their families. As a JBBBS Board Member, I don’t always get to be a fly on the wall to the wonderful relationships our Bigs form with their Littles or the other great work of our volunteers. The camp scholarships are one way that I can be directly involved and see true impact on families in need.


What has been your favorite part about serving on the JBBBS Camp Scholarship Committee?

My favorite part is hearing the positive feedback and stories from families about how these scholarships have brightened the lives of Littles and their families. It can mean so much to them, and you hear it in the applications and the thank you messages we receive.


Why is it important for JBBBS to offer Camp Scholarships to Littles in the program?

When you read the applications for camp scholarships, you learn how much a couple weeks (or more) of camp means to these Littles and their families. You see directly how many of these kids would not be able to attend any camp if not for JBBBS’s Camp Scholarship program. JBBBS is truly changing lives and this program is a big part of that.


What would you say to someone considering making a donation to support the JBBBS Camp Scholarship Fund?

When you hear the stories about Littles and their families and learn some of the challenges they have faced, it tugs at your heart strings and leaves you speechless. You realize how your donation can make a direct and immediate impact in such a meaningful way, and that a little money can truly go a long way. You hear these stories and you cannot help but want to donate more and do more for these kids.

Behind the Scenes: JBBBS Camp Scholarships

A Message from Next CEO, Lauren Korn

June 24, 2024

Over my last 6 years at JBBBS, I have had the privilege to get to know many of our matches. I have seen first-hand the incredible impact our programs have on everyone involved. I am humbled to have been chosen to lead this amazing agency forward and am excited for what is to come.  As…