Inspirational Stories from JBBBS Volunteers, Participants & Staff

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How Choosing to Connect Has Made All the Difference

January 4, 2023

by Susan Yorks I don’t think I will ever forget a particular evening in the summer of 2018 when I attended a CJP event on the North Shore called Choose to Connect. One of my dearest friends introduced me to Tania Gray, the Director of Community Engagement and Outreach for Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters…

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One Year “Friendiversary”: 1 year down, looking forward to many more

December 19, 2022

by Christine Ngigi Christine and her Friend Millie recently celebrated their 1-year anniversary of being matched in JBBBS’ Friend 2 Friend program. Christine took some time to answer JBBBS’ questions in a recent interview. Do you have a favorite memory with your match? Apart from the day we first met in person, I must say…

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A Perfect Match

November 9, 2022

by Harris Wallack Back in 2020 I was approached by Tania Gray and asked if I wanted to volunteer as a Big. Tania is the Director of Community Engagement and Outreach for JBBBS, but also is the mother of a classmate of mine from high school. My initial reaction to this opportunity was hesitation. I…

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Meet Judy Shankman, JBBBS’ Incoming Board Chair

November 8, 2022

by Judy Shankman What excited you to take on this leadership role for JBBBS? I am excited to take on this role because I feel that I really understand and appreciate the value of the organization. I have been involved with JBBBS for almost 20 years and my excitement for the work we do has never…

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Just do it – Volunteering with JBBBS

October 26, 2022

By Yaniv Havusha When I first got notified by Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Boston (JBBBS) that my name had been given to them as a potential Big, I was nervous to say the least! Having grown up going to camp, the JCC and after school programs my whole life, I knew the…

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Generous philanthropy inspired by 70 years of friendship

October 12, 2022

By Julie Levinson In 1932, Harold Price was just 10 years old when his father passed away, leaving behind his mother and two younger sisters.  Soon after, it was suggested to his mother that she find a father figure for Harold. JBBBS matched Harold with Joe Wolbarsht and that relationship would continue for the next 70…

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An autistic connection: a friendship fueled by shared experiences

August 18, 2022

by Shea Belsky When I first reached out to JBBBS in April 2019, I had a clear idea of who I’d be a great Big for. I’m Shea Belsky, an autistic 25-year-old who has been through the public school system. I had an IEP, physical therapy, speech therapy, a psychologist, a one-on-one aide and much…

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On Hope and Looking Forward

June 8, 2022

by Parent of Little (Anonymous) As a parent of a transgender daughter, it is hard to fully express my gratitude for JBBBS’ LGBTQ+ mentoring program. I do so little, yet my child benefits so much. Over time, I’ve found my role in the program to be one of trust, support, and space, which I think…

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Why I Volunteer

May 17, 2022

by Camden H. Mamigonian My volunteering journey started in earnest at my first employer when I heard about an informal organization within the company that developed events in local schools to expose students to STEM. It sounded like an incredible group to be a part of, and a fun and worthy cause to support, so…

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A Well Baked Friendship

May 5, 2022

by Ariella Honig My Little and I made a promise to each other the first day we met. A little nervous and excited, I remember walking from my house on a rainy March day. I had been waiting six months to get paired with a Little and my match specialist assured me that she thought…

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