Life is Better with Ice Cream: Scooping it Forward from Little to Big 

By Isaac Silberberg I’m Isaac Silberberg, and today I want to encourage you to sign up as a Big during April, which is National Volunteer Month. I’ve been lucky to experience the transformative power of mentorship through the Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters (JBBBS) program as both a mentee and a mentor. A bit about…

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30 Years of Commitment, Impact and Meaning

By Jeffrey Savit 30 is a terrifically significant number for me. You see, my mother was 30 years old when she gave birth to me. I met my wife Lori when I was 30 years old. My brother Michael and I created a leukemia research foundation in memory of our beloved father almost 30 years…

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Big Brunch Honoree Christine Ngigi

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Christine Ngigi is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask her a few questions about…

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Big Brunch Honoree Ann Trehub

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Ann Trehub is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask her a few questions about…

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Big Brunch Honoree Marty Packer

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. Marty Packer is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask him a few questions about…

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Big Brunch Honoree David O’Neil

JBBBS is thrilled to honor four incredible JBBBS volunteers with the Chaverut Award at this year’s Big Brunch on November 19. These four volunteers truly exemplify the word chaverut which is Hebrew for friendship. David O’Neil is one of this year’s honorees and we had the pleasure to recently ask him a few questions about…

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Ride for a Reason

by Josh Jick Participating in the Rodman Ride is always a blast.  I should know – I’ve done it eight times! My first connection to Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters (JBBBS) was when I was an undergrad at Brandeis University. A group of friends convinced me to volunteer at the Rodman Ride. Once I learned…

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Generous philanthropy inspired by 70 years of friendship

By Julie Levinson In 1932, Harold Price was just 10 years old when his father passed away, leaving behind his mother and two younger sisters.  Soon after, it was suggested to his mother that she find a father figure for Harold. JBBBS matched Harold with Joe Wolbarsht and that relationship would continue for the next 70…

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An autistic connection: a friendship fueled by shared experiences

by Shea Belsky When I first reached out to JBBBS in April 2019, I had a clear idea of who I’d be a great Big for. I’m Shea Belsky, an autistic 25-year-old who has been through the public school system. I had an IEP, physical therapy, speech therapy, a psychologist, a one-on-one aide and much…

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On Hope and Looking Forward

by Parent of Little (Anonymous) As a parent of a transgender daughter, it is hard to fully express my gratitude for JBBBS’ LGBTQ+ mentoring program. I do so little, yet my child benefits so much. Over time, I’ve found my role in the program to be one of trust, support, and space, which I think…

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